Interested in Sailing?
We offer adult and junior sailing lessons, for a fee, so you can then qualify to take out one of our boats anytime... all part of your membership benefits. Also, your children or grandchildren can learn how to sail by attending our Summer Sailing Academy led by certified instructors. Students in our classes enjoy sailing their own boat and, after a week or two, competing in races. We have a full season of regattas in which all age levels compete and get to know sailors from other California clubs.

We have a whole rack of kayaks and, once you join the fleet, we will teach you how to navigate the lake. If you are out early in the morning when the lake is still, you may see swans or be greeted by an incoming flock of Canada Geese. Kayakers party together too. We have kayak fleet gourmet dinners at members’ homes.
We have our own house band, Around the Sound, that performs periodically at the club. Also, there are numerous special events like our Sweetheart’s Ball, the formal Commodore’s Ball, our annual Luau. We routinely have dances with live music at our weekly Friday socials.

Renting the Club
The Westlake Yacht Club is a place to enjoy life, make new friends, and have a new "home" on the water. We offer a substantial discount to our regular members who rent the club for weddings, company parties or family celebrations. If you are interested , please contact our Private Events Manager.
Please contact our Membership Chair for more information via our Contact Form or by calling the Club at (818) 889-4820 and leave a message.